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Psychics beneath the Mole Antonelliana

Turin is considered the world’s capital for both black and white magic. It is at the apex of the two triangles, one linked to white magic, the other to evil or black magic.
 According to the convoluted logic of occult experts, is on the 45th parallel and thereby constitutes one of three cities forming a "triangle" of black magic -- London and San Francisco being the others -- all united by lines of negative energy. The Piazza Statuto is the "black heart" of the city's Satanic influences, home of Turin's gallows and a stone monument to those who died building the Frejus tunnel connecting Italy and France. 
Luckily for Turin, there is a counterbalance. Not far away is one point on the triangle of white ("good") magic, the others being Lyons in France and Prague in Czech Republic. Here is the Duomo, which houses the Shroud of Turin, which some believe was used to cover the crucified body of Jesus Christ. It is hidden away and displayed only upon order of the Vatican.
Do not forget that during the Risorgimento, the Catholic House of Savoy welcomed in Turin a significant amount of  spiritualist, clairvoyants, astrologers, mediums and many others linked to the world of occult.
Some places are truly magical:
Piazza Statuto, (mentioned above) is considered to be the “black heart” of the city.
 The Church of the Great Mother of God, some legends say that the Holy Grails is buried beneath the Church.
Santa Maria di Monte dei Cappuccini, located on a hill which remains behind the enigmatic church of the Great Mother of God, where underneath there are the laboratories of cosmic physics.
Piazza Castello, is the center of Turin’s positive energy. Some believes that the gate of the Royal Palace, framed by the equestrian statues of the benign underworld deities, Castor and Pollux, is actually the threshold which divides the city of saint from the city of devils.
The Egyptian Museum, claimed to be the biggest Egyptian Museum outside Egypt.
And then Turin’s own magician,  the psychic  Gustavo Rol. The medium used to walk around Valentino Park enchanting people with his foretelling and mind reading. He was a great Italian sensitive who introduced Turin to the rest of the world.
According to statistics two of the fifty best psychic in Italy reside in Turin, one in San Paolo district and the other in Aurora district.
In Turin when you meet someone for the first time the first thing you ask after the name is :” Di che segno sei??” – What’s your Zodiac sign? If your answer is either Scorpio or Cancer, they will all run away from you!!!

The secret of its magic are the synchronic lines, mysterious energy arteries that cross particularly in Turin and nearly explode: the two rivers’ confluence where Turin rises up, the Po’ and the Dora, form a water ring around the old town. The river Po’ represent the Sun, the male, the river Dora the moon, the female.
Druids were said to gather at the meeting of the rivers to celebrate the summer solstice. Turin is allegedly a nexus of energy channels, which envelope the planet, the existence of which was first mooted by the ancient Chinese.
There is a legend about the creation of the city, placing its beginning in 15th century BC with the ancient Egyptians.
The legend says that Turin was founded by Eridanus ,an Egyptian prince considered a demigod, a brother of Osiris, who left his homeland for religious intolerance with the priestly caste and reached with his followers a northern Mediterranean land, which he named Liguria after his son Ligurio. Then he went to the hinterland and after crossing the Apennines he found a large plain, presumably on a pre-existing Celtic settlement in the vicinity of the river Po, which reminded him of the Nile and founded Turin there. Turin began to exist under the symbol of the god Apis and the bull worshiped at Memphis was also the first bull of Turin.
I have been told  that in one apartment along Corso Belgio in Turin a family experienced some important spiritual phenomena. They had to leave the house in despair! During the night, between 2.00 and 4.00 am kept hearing loud noises and the light going on and off….sometimes objects would disappear and found somewhere else around the house. A priest was called upon to bless the place but without succeeding.
I heard through the grapevine that few years earlier the previous tenants performed séances, the family recall to have found many esoteric symbols especially in the bedroom where the paranormal manifestation appeared more frequently.
Many psychics inhabit the city , in every building you’ll easily find a fortune teller or an astrologer.
Turin is obviously a vertex of some kind!  Clashing Ley lines! Magical reverberations!
Turin still holds its reputation as the Magic City. Luckily for Turin, there is a counterbalance. Not far away is one point on the triangle of white ("good") magic, the others being Lyons in France and Prague in Czech Republic. Here is the Duomo, which houses the Shroud of Turin, which some believe was used to cover the crucified body of Jesus Christ. It is hidden away and displayed only upon order of the Vatican.
Do not forget that during the Risorgimento, the Catholic House of Savoy welcomed in Turin a significant amount of  spiritualist, clairvoyants, astrologers, mediums and many others linked to the world of occult.
Some places are truly magical:
Piazza Statuto, (mentioned above) is considered to be the “black heart” of the city.
 The Church of the Great Mother of God, some legends say that the Holy Grails is buried beneath the Church.
Santa Maria di Monte dei Cappuccini, located on a hill which remains behind the enigmatic church of the Great Mother of God, where underneath there are the laboratories of cosmic physics.
Piazza Castello, is the center of Turin’s positive energy. Some believes that the gate of the Royal Palace, framed by the equestrian statues of the benign underworld deities, Castor and Pollux, is actually the threshold which divides the city of saint from the city of devils.


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